29 November 2010

BeautyDIY: Papaya Clog-Dissolving Cleansing Cream (青木瓜毛孔淨化深層潔膚霜) - $16

This cleanser cream can be used for makeup removal as well as a deep cleansing mask. It can effectively remove accumulated  oil and dirt from the face by dissolving foreign particles and exfoliating the face.

Application Method

Makeup Removal: Gently massage the face with a suitable amount of cleanser cream until makeup has dissolved. Use water to wash off cleanser cream. Then proceed with face wash.

Deep Cleansing Mask: After face wash, take a suitable amount of cleanser cream to apply onto face, especially T-Zone area for 5-10 mins. Then gently massage the face area to dissolve the foreign particles left in the pores. Use water to wash off mask.

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