29 November 2010

BeautyDIY: Dead Sea Mud Mask (死海黑泥去瑕面膜) - $16 (Out of Stock)

This mask contains tea tree essential oil, lemon essential oil, sage essential oil, rosemary essential oil and Piroctone Olamine anti-bacterial ingredients.

It not only has anti-bacterial effect but also provides the face with resistance against environmental damage. Recommended for people with oily skin as it deep cleanse dirt within the pores. The skin becomes smooth and delicate immediately after use.

Application Method
After cleansing face, take a suitable amount of facial mask to apply onto face avoiding the eye and lip area. Use water to wash off mask after 10-15 mins.  Suggested usage is 1-3 times per week.

此外,添加了茶樹精油、檸檬精油、鼠尾草精油、迷迭香精油以及Piroctone Olamine 抗菌
因子不但具有抗菌的效果,還能對抗外在環境的傷害,建議油性肌膚使用,能夠深層清潔 毛孔內髒污,敷完後馬上可以感覺肌膚變得細緻光滑


『死海黑泥』:協助吸附肌膚多餘油脂,幫助角質去除,並加強肌膚毛孔暢通。 『海鹽』:含有豐富的礦物質與微量元素,並能幫助去除肌膚老廢角質。 『茶樹精油』:加強問題肌膚的修護效果。『金縷梅萃取』:天然的肌膚收斂作用,能幫助調理肌膚油脂,協助毛孔緊緻。 『檸檬皮精油』:幫助角質軟化,維持肌膚平滑細緻。『迷迭香精油』:調理肌膚,幫助維持肌膚年輕緊緻。 『快樂鼠尾草精油』:加強舒緩肌膚。『高嶺土』:加強油脂吸除,並幫助去除肌膚老廢角質。


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